How do I export VRML from AVS/Express for use in AVS/Go?
This article will explain how to export your visualizations from AVS/Express using the VRML format and convert them into JSON for viewing online with AVS/Go.
Step 1 - Export VRML from AVS/Express
Create your AVS/Express visualization as usual.
Instance an OutputVRML macro from the Main - Viewers library. Connect its input port to the curr_view output port of your Viewer.
In the UI for OutputVRML, select the “VRML 2” protocol and choose the filename you wish. Press “Write VRML”
Step 2 - Convert VRML to JSON
Visit the online VRML to JSON converter page at:
Follow the instructions to upload your VRML file from Step 1 and create your JSON file(s).
Step 3 - Display your visualizations using AVS/Go
Upload the JSON file(s) you created in Step 2 to your web server. Note the full URL to the JSON file (or the first file if you created a streamed output).
Edit (or create) the HTML page you wish you display your visualization on. Create an <avs-go-dataviz> Web Component. Populate the ‘url’ property with the full URL to your JSON file from above. Set the ‘url-load-json-file’ property so the Web Component knows you are loading JSON from file(s).
Here is example code which imports the latest version of AVS/Go from
<script src=""></script>
and here is example code which uses the URL to the file created above:
<script src=""></script>
Check out an example here at:
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